Broccoli Bunches and Dew Drops

Wallflowers don't make for beautiful blossoms, but how can you change that when you are still blossoming and never considered yourself a wallflower in the first place?

I'm Sarah and I arrived in Malaysia on the 10th of March, 2008 with my husband and stepped into a world that I didn't know I'd come to find comfort in. Malaysia really turned out to be truly Asia. It's a fusion of colors and cultures and the people are emphatically friendly and erratically slow. The hours pass quietly, but the days pass quickly.

Kuala Lumpur in my opinion:
1. looks like giant broccoli bunches.
2. feels like drunk Chinese people trying to balance themselves on a tight rope. You can't help but join in the chaos and restlessness of right hand drive.
3. smells like Dunhills and food you've never heard of before.
4. tastes like dew drops that resurface when you wipe them away.

This is home now but for how long? And what kind of emotional ties am I creating with this country? I wish I could answer so many questions but the answers elude me. That's why I have Essmat, wedding cake extraordinaire, my friend, my partner in crime and now my blogging buddy. :)

1 comment:

Osiris Kane said...

Congrats...may this be the begining of a lifelong union

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